Community In Christ

Faith. Hope. Love.

What is the Mission of the Church?

The mission of the church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

What are your core beliefs?

With most other Christian denominations, our most foundational document is the Bible.  Scripture "reveals the Word of God so far as it is necessary for our salvation," explains our Confession of Faith.  The statements of faith by the early church, such as the Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed, are also recognized as statements of our faith.

What is your Sunday church service like?

Our standard service follows a traditional format including Hymns, Responsive Readings, Congregational Prayer, Scripture Reading, and a Pastor's Message.  Monthly we will share Communion. We are light on the use of new technology and still sing from the hymnal with a piano as accompaniment 

How / When can I visit the church?

First time visitors are welcome for any Sunday service.  Just show up and please come as you are.   We think you will find us a warm, welcoming group who will make you quickly feel at home.  An address, map and service times are shown on the Find Us page.
About us image
We have deep roots in our community since being established in 1884 as the first church in the area. The names of early church members are easily recognizable as the current street names throughout the Mulat area including Bernath, Bell, McMillan and Tinsley.  The original church was shared between several denominations but eventually became a Methodist church.  Consistent with the times, a "circuit rider" pastor would visit once a month by horse and buggy.  Our current location was established during the Great Depression in conjunction with a school.  The sanctuary was built in 1960 with the exterior brick donated by the Edwards family in memory of Mae Edwards who had been active in the church since the early 1920's.

Having started as a small "country church", we now enter the third decade of the 21st century to minister to a quickly growing southern Santa Rosa County. Although we have members who live throughout Santa Rosa County,  our focus is to foster a community of Christians in the quickly growing greater Mulat area including the Bayside, Bernath, Avalon Beach, Moors and Bell Lane communities. Our congregation includes singles, young families, empty nesters, and even seniors in their 90's . We include multi-generational locals and brand new residents. All are equally important and welcome.

We share a love for Christ and a desire to be part of, and to serve our community.

Michael Roberts

Pastor of Mae Edwards Church

Pastor Mike Roberts has been ministering to our church since 2018. His passion is to foster a personal relationship with Christ by each and every person at Mae Edwards. Pastor Mike has been in Ministry since 1972 and has served a variety of small, medium and large congregations throughout the Southeast. He has also been a District Superintendent for the Alabama-West Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church. After receiving his call to ministry, Pastor Mike attended Asbury Theological Seminary.

Pastor Mike Roberts and wife Jo Ann

Husband, Father, Grandfather

Recently, our Pastor and his wife, Jo Ann, celebrated their 50 year wedding anniversary at the church (pictured at right). Mike and Jo Ann are the parents of 2, and the grandparents of 4.

Mike Roberts


In his spare time, Mike likes to freshwater fish for bass, crappie and bream in the Washington County lakes where his family lived.

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